Academy Policy

List of bylaws:

• Study system bylaw
• Faculty affairs bylaw
• Military directing staff affairs bylaw.
• Financial Regulations

• List of academic policies:

• Academic policies procedures.
• Comprehensive Examination Policy of Defense and Security Studies Doctoral programme.
• Appointment policy for academic positions
• Directing staff appointment policy
• Additional teaching load policy for full-time faculty members
• Faculty members evaluation policy
• Directing staff evaluation policy
• Students evaluation policy
• Thesis supervision policy
• Policy of supervising graduation thesis - Joint Command and Staff College
• Part-time faculty policy
• Academic schedule policy
• Academic schedule policy for the Joint Command and Staff College
• Learners' grievance policy
• Academic integrity policy for faculty members
• Academic integrity policy for learners
• Academic programmes arbitration procedures
• Administrative staff evaluation policy
• Academy’s Teaching Excellence Award policy
• Academic partnership development policy
• Academic committees functions regulation policy.
• Academic conferences participation policy
• Graduation requirements policy
• Curriculum topics numbering policy
• Attendance and absence policy
• Learners academic behavior policy.
• Faculty members promotion policy
• Faculty retention policy
• Student learning support policy
• remuneration policy for staff’s Academic publications